Wednesday, 30 May 2012

We made it!

Okay so today wasn't as good as expected but nothing tragic happened like yesterday so it's alright!

So today everyone's been freaking out about our drama exam and I've been frantically writing out notes on Greek theater and the Macbeth play we went to see. Seemingly everything is done so I'm settled on it now and I got a few tips for essay writing from my friend who has a drama degree so I'm very grateful for all his help, Jeff if you're reading this, thanks! I honestly do appreciate it! :) And if not oh well, you might see it some day dude!

So I've just been feeling tired as per usual but tomorrow's a new day and I will live through this exam try and keep myself busy and get through it! I want to have no time left at the end but have the paper finished! Just enough time to read through things and make sure they make sense.

So yeah today's been alright, just been complaining to my best friend, Jess, hi if you're reading :3 She's very good at listening to me when I'm either slagging someone else off (I know I shouldn't do it! But it helps when you're angry!) or slagging myself off telling her I'm going to fail and that I'm genuinely stupid which I still believe I am!

Hope your day has been even slightly better than mine :)

Charlotte :3

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