Sunday, 20 May 2012

Exam Time!

Okay so, this is it. It's now exam time for my and quite honestly I feel peaceful about it. I know for a fact I've done so much work for music it is unbelievable and I hope I get what I deserve. I know that tomorrow morning and in the afternoon God will be right there in a seat beside me giving me the wisdom I've collected over the past 8 months that will decide my fate regarding music. Part of me is starting to reject the further development of music as a subject, of course I'll always love it but as a subject? Nah. It doesn't feel right to go and continue it in education. God will show me my path. I'll definitely be praying about it tonight and tomorrow! I don't like how right now will define how universities in the future shape me. See me as a person. I mean, my exam grades are not who I am! Maybe this is the non-academic me coming out but I don't get why how academically gifted we are should define who we are to the people who care about that. It distorts how people view us. For example if I got 3 U's in my exams, I'm a failure and I will not go anywhere in life, according to society. SCREW SOCIETY. Who cares what you look like on paper, who cares if you have the ''potential'' to be something ''amazing''? You tell me I'm wrong when saying ALL THAT DOESN'T MATTER TO GOD. I don't feel like conforming to society. I don't care that at 18 I should be going wild and partying every weekend. Do I want to do that NO. I want to lead a life inspired by Christ. Not a life conforming to society because according to them I'm screwed if I don't do well tomorrow. Guess what? God holds me in his hands at moments like these and lays his plan out before me. Presenting me with the perfect future. Doesn't that sound GREAT. To know that the almighty Maker of Heaven and earth doesn't even care if I flunk my exams! 

Screw you society. I don't give a damn what you think. In the end it's God who's judging me not YOU.

Good night from a non-conforming member of planet earth,

Charlotte :3

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