Today has been a rather good day... chilled if you so please. I had the intention of going to taekwondo today but that fell in when I was again too tired to actually get out of bed for yet another Saturday. I don't know why this notion has suddenly come over me but it has and I'm determined that next Saturday I will have the gusto to get out of bed at 10am to go to taekwondo even if I'm tired. Exercise gives you more energy right? Makes you feel good, releases endorphins. The ''happy'' hormone.
So after my failed attempt to get out of bed I went back to sleep for 1/2 an hour then got up and went downstairs to have my glorious breakfast of a cuppa tea and weetabix. Om nom nom. After this I got changed did my make up and watched tv for a while then had lunch, rice with sweet and sour sauce, again, om nom nom.
After this I went shopping with my grandma and mum. This is always a fun experience as I get to get outa the house and observe the general public of Bangor while in shopping mode. Some people are very determined (like my mother) and like to march through the shopping center knowing what they want and cannot be bothered with people who walk slow and abandon their trolly's everywhere and anywhere. I would agree with this tactic as it gets you done in the optimum time. The enemy is the slow walker/danderer. Now I understand if it is an old person or someone who has a disability if they walk slow fine, they have a reason and I am happy to slow my pace down in order not to be rude, but see if you are a perfectly fit person who has the ability to walk at a moderate pace, then please do so, for the sake of my mother's mental health! My least favorite person to see shopping is the angry mother. I can see why shopping would wind you up but don't take it out on your kid! It makes me sad :( I do like seeing toddlers on the leashes though, its quite considerate of their parents as it means they cannot run away and if they fall, you notice and they are easily hoiked up again! I was one of these toddlers as I endlessly tried to escape from my mum or dad. Funny story actually and this will paint the picture of what kind of child I was!
I'm about 2 and my brother is about 4 here :) Aren't we quite the cute pair!? I love my blue dress :3 ANYWAY.
So I discovered that I was now tall enough to reach the door handle fantastic news for an escape artist! I liked to get out of whatever my parents put me in, pram, cot whatever it was, I got out. The house was no different now I had reached the glorious height of the mighty door handle. So I simply opened the door and got to the top of our drive way when our neighbor asks, "I think you should go back inside." When I fold my arms boldly and say, "NO." What a little madam! So this goes on when my mum comes out and drags me into the house... the end!
Paha anyways, this has been an average post and it's late, I have to get up early WAHHH. But it's for church so it's all good in da hood!
Here's a more recent picture of me and my brother before I leave:
Apparently we look the same... I don't know about that, I'll let you decide for yourself :P
Charlotte :3
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