Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Revision Break!

Oh my days, last paper exam tomorrow... Glorious!

So I'm just taking a short revision break as I cannot have my brain working for more than about 2 1/2 hours at a time so this is going to be part of my break! I've just done a health and social care paper and got 72.5% which is good considering I've done barely any revision on it at all and according to 2011's grade boundaries that counts as a B so I'm pretty happy with that but I'm convinced I need to get an A or A* in this module to get a B over all but we'll see how that turns out!

So while I'm on my break I'm having a cup of tea and a packet of malteasers and possibly going to watch an episode of big bang theory for a bit of a brain rest and watch them saying big words while laughing unconrollably at how much my brother looks like Sheldon Cooper! Really, look at the picture of my brother in one of my blog posts (can't remember which one it is) and then Google a wee picture of Sheldon from big bang and you'll pee yourself at how similar they are! haha!

Awesome, I'm going to watch big bang theory now!


Charlotte :3

P.S sorry for any spelling mistakes, my brain is mushy and this computer doesn't have any spell check!

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