Monday, 20 August 2012

Hmm... Controversial!

As you all know I am indeed a Christian which means that yes I do read the Bible (not as often as I should) and I try and follow the guidance laid out for me. I often find myself forming my own opinions on things and then reading the Bible to find out that actually that's not really what I should think. I mean, this makes Christianity sound really controlling and like it tells you what you should think BUT really in 2012 is some of the Bible really relevant?! I'm only pondering this because I've been looking into Mathew chapter 5 and came across some divorce stuff. In this day and age divorce is pretty common. Let's face it! The Bible has some pretty strong views on the subject and I apparently have different views oh dear.

So after reading Mathew 5: 31-32 which says:

"Remember the Scripture that says, 'Whoever divorces his wife, let him do it legally, giving her divorce papers and her legal rights.'? Too many of you are using that as a cover for selfishness and whim, pretending to be righteous just because you are 'legal.' Please no more pretending. If you divorce your wife, you're responsible for making her an adulteress (unless she has already made herself that by sexual promiscuity). And if you marry such a divorced adulteress, you're automatically an adulterer yourself. You can't use legal cover to mask a moral failure."

Please don't skip over reading it because it's vitally important to what I'm going to talk about for the next few lines or so. Go on, read it! You might even find that you don't agree with it. 

In fact, most people don't agree with it. I know many people who's parents are divorced and are re-married. I'm totally cool with it! I'm not going to pry on why they got divorced because that's just rude and may upset people, plus why would I want to know? According to this passage, anyone who marries the woman who is divorced, becomes an adulterer himself. This is the part I totally disagree with. I really get that if you're going to get married you should stay together until death do you part. I'm a firm believer in that but, if you are to get divorced then should you be a single pringle the rest of your life?! I'm sure if I ever got divorced not planning on it, I would like to think I could get re-married and not be considered an adulteress.

Now, reasoning for ending a marriage is between the two people involved but, what is being said here is that the legal termination of a marriage that God has set out is being abused by those who simply cannot be bothered to work out their problems. Apart from those who have committed adultery (NIV). Harsh? This is where I find where to stand difficult. If trust is broken then it's pretty much gone forever. If you've ever been cheated on or betrayed by your best friend you'll know what I'm talking about! It's pretty darn hard to regain trust! Ending marriage for other reasons is an iffy subject, as in you aren't attracted to the person anymore. Well couldn't you have worked that out before marriage? Maybe the ''honeymoon period'' is just over? I'd say work on it before ending it! And if the conclusion comes that you just can't work then end it. There's no point in being unhappy!

This is a really difficult subject but on the whole getting re-married subject, I don't know if I entirely agree! Maybe I need to study this a bit further and look for different passages and verses to get a whole image rather than two verses!

Hope I haven't offended anyone :)

Charlotte :3

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